“They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts” – Acts 2:46b


Last year 102 people participated in Dinner for 8.  We appreciate your feedback and are kicking off our 2nd year of Dinner for 8.  It is now time to sign up!

Dinner for 8 is for everyone.  This ministry is a great way to get to meet new people and get to know your church family better. Whether you have been attending West Hills for a very long time or just recently, whether you are already in a small group or not, Dinner for 8 groups provide the opportunity to spend time eating and sharing together in a casual and relaxed atmosphere.

Groups will plan a meal and get together 3 times between September and May.  A group coordinator will plan and host the first dinner in their home and the group can decide if they want to rotate hosting the subsequent two dinners or meet again at the group coordinators’ home.

How does Dinner for 8 work?

Sign up and you will be placed in a group of eight. The group coordinator will contact you, plan out the date and time of the dinner and what each person should bring to share.  A selected Bible verse will be shared and the group can casually talk about how it affects their life. Before the evening ends, the group will plan their next dinner.

Who cooks the meals?

The host will provide the entrée and beverages and everyone brings a dish such as an hors d’oeuvre, a salad, a side dish, bread or a dessert to share.

Other important stuff

These dinners are a great time for adults to get to know each other in a casual setting outside of church. Each group can decide what works best for them - if childcare should be arranged or if children are invited.

Join the fun and fellowship.  


For more information, please contact Connie at conniehelleson@gmail.com or 503-706-2728 or Martin at martinhelleson@gmail.com  or  503-709-4868.