Immersive learning experiences

The ECC offers a variety of cultural Immersion learning experiences, led by Rev Dominique Gilliard. As West Hills is committed to the many colored kingdom and being an anti-racist witness of God's justice in the world, we know we don't know it all and have much to learn. This is a discipleship opportunity as we embody spiritual practices of remembrance, confession, lament that empower us to love our neighbors and become repairs for God's justice.We want to encourage everyone to consider having at least one person in your household to attend one of these in the next 5 years. We also have scholarship money designated to help. Each person has a partner of different race and same gender who rides on a bus watching documentaries and having discussions about what they are experiencing and learning.

INDIGENOUS IMMERSION  - Sept 12-15 (Yamhill, OR) 
Weaving Justice and Peace in a Wounded Land: Indigenous Learning with Eloheh Indigenous Center for Earth Justice

JOURNEY TO MOSAIC - Nov 10-13 (Seattle -Portland)
Journey of the Racial History of the PacificNW

SANKOFA - February 20-23 (Atlanta, GA)
Modeled after the 1960 Freedom Rides, this pilgrimage of the Civil Rights Movement and current museums. 

IMMIGRATION IMMERSION - June 6-9 (Tijuana, Mexico & San Diego)
A Migrant Journey: Scirpture's Call to Welcome the Stranger