children + families
We focus on your child's spiritual formation and seek to build community among our kids. Each opportunity to learn God's Story, flex their spiritual muscles, and build friendships strengthens their connection to God and community.
“...But Jesus called the children to Him and said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.'” - Luke 18:16-17
sunday worship service
Children of all ages join us at the beginning of our worship service so they can participate in the larger community of multigenerational believers through songs, scripture reading, children's message and blessing. We have kids activity bags available to use during the service - just return them to the basket in the lobby at the end of the service.
kids classes → during the service
We offer kids classes during our Sunday worship service (kids are dismissed after the children’s message):
NURSERY (Babies-Age 3)
The nursery is open to babies up to age 3. Drop off begins at 10:20am. For children's safety, all of our volunteers will wear masks.
PreK - K
Kids ages PreK-K meet in classroom 8 (in the courtyard). Parents: please accompany your child, sign them into class, then sign them out after the service.
1st - 5th Grade
Kids in 1st-5th grade meet in classroom 10 (in the courtyard). We have class every Sunday, except the 1st Sunday of each month (communion Sunday). We invite families to participate together in communion those days.
If you have questions about our Children & Families Ministry, contact Pastor Jerren Wadsworth (Pastor of Youth & Children’s Ministry Coordinator):