west hills communications resources
The Communications Commission exists to help publisize and promote the goings-ons of West Hills, focusing on relevant communication outlets while prioritzing the church's vision and mission.
We are here to make you look good. We strive to reach the right people at the right time with the right announcements.
Announcement deadline: Tuesdays @ 4 pm
Project deadline: Thursday, a week out, @ 4 pm
For any announcements to get into that weekend's weekly update email, bulletin or verbal announcements, we need to have it in by Tuesday at noon. This includes any already-made inserts.
For any "projects" such as forms, flyers, design elements, and so on we need to have it requested by the Thursday prior. So, we need over a week's notice.
ALL announcements, inserts, design requests and so on, need to go to the communications team at announcements@westhillscovenant.org. Everything. Here. Always.
Much goes into how different announcements get delivered to the church. Below is a chart to help you understand what the communications team does.
The communications team is who makes these decisions, so you don't need to worry about what category things are, please just send your details in and we will decide.
These are events and ministries that West Hills oversees and are fully responsible for facilitation. Often these are primary to our mission/vision, goals, and our existence as a church.
Examples: Worship Service, VBS, Easter/Christmas, community groups, Sunday School, Fun with Pumpkins, Easter Egg Hunt
What it means for communications: This is where we focus most of our attention and support. These events will often get the most and best promotional spots and extra resources (such as flyer design, extra emails, special webpages).
These are events and ministries that West Hills participates in, but does not administer. Other organizations oversee the details and facilitation.
Examples: Cascades Camp, Foster Parent’s Night Out, Hayhurst, Covenant World Mission, Oregon Food Bank
What it means for communications: This category generally gets standard promotion of running in all channels for several weeks but not much specialized support. The specific event drives the decisions around the need for attention and support.
West Hills recognizes that many of our congregants participate in events and organizations, but the church has no official connection.
Examples: Adorned in Grace, Midwives for Haiti, community fundraisers
What it means for communications: Communications facilities two outlets for this category: the Facebook group & the community bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall. Church leaders should encourage people individually in their endeavors as appropriate.
Announcements deadline:
Tuesdays at 4pm
Special requests deadline:
Prior Thursday at 4pm
Email to:
Or you can use this form:
Which do we prefer? Probably the form, but people don't always like forms, so whatever you want :)