Stations of the Cross artwork, from artist Scott Erickson, is now displayed outside and inside the church and will remain up during Lent. We invite you to set aside some time to walk them. This practice began as a remembrance that pilgrims had when retracing Jesus’ final steps. Wanting to share that practice and experience, they created local stations of meditation that became in itself a tradition.
HOLY Thursday
Family Worship Experience
Thursday, March 29
6-8pm (drop-in)
This drop-in, family-focused experience walks through four stations: foot washing, communion, art response, and garden prayer room. Each interactive station is meant to prepare our hearts for Easter. Dinner provided from 6-7pm.
Good Friday
reflections open house
Friday, March 30
4-7pm (drop-in)
Please come to reflect, pray and prepare for Easter through a variety of activities including a labyrinth, and other stations for reflection and quiet. Please plan to arrive by 6:30 if you come for the labyrinth. This is for adults, and older children who are able to quietly reflect with their parents.
Pancake Breakfast &
Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, March 31
9-11am - FREE
Bring your family and invite friends and neighbors to celebrate together. We'll start with breakfast, crafts and a story and then it's on to the egg hunt. Please bring a basket to collect the eggs.
Easter Morning
Worship Service
Sunday, April 1
All are invited and welcome to participate with us in this Easter worship service as we celebrate that Jesus is alive!